List of QR-registered Courses (To
know more about Qualifications Framework, please visit
QF Webiste)
Programme Name | QF Level |
Valid Period (D/M/Y) |
QF Number |
營辦者/評估機構參考編號 資歷名稱(英文) | 資歷架構級別 | (登記有效期-至) | 資歷名冊登記號碼 |
FADST Associate in Science and Technology | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000996/L4 |
CBMP2017C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme - Investment Tools at Your Fingertips | 2 | (1/11/2022-On-going) | 22/000879/L2 |
CBMP2013C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme - Law in Daily Life | 2 | (1/11/2022-On-going) | 22/000878/L2 |
CBMP2031C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme – Computer Literacy Made Easy I | 2 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000990/L2 |
CBMP2073C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme – Computer Literacy Made Easy II | 2 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000993/L2 |
CBMP2008C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme – Healthy Diet I | 2 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000989/L2 |
CBMP 2086C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme – Healthy Diet II | 2 | (1/3/2022-On-going) | 21/001421/L2 |
CBMP2001C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme – Interpersonal Relationship and Communication I | 2 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000988/L2 |
CBMP2065C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme – Interpersonal Relationship and Communication II | 2 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000992/L2 |
CBMP2036C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme – Job Searching Skills | 2 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000991/L2 |
CBMP2084C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme –Life Planning and Management | 2 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000994/L2 |
CA117 Certificate in Chinese Bird-and-Flower Painting | 3 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000987/L3 |
PCECALL Certificate in Chinese Calligraphy | 3 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001018/L3 |
PCECCP Certificate in Chinese Colour Painting | 3 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001019/L3 |
PCECERA Certificate in Connoisseurship of Ancient Chinese Ceramics | 3 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001020/L3 |
YJD62 Certificate in Fashion Make-up and Styling (Elective Cluster of Diploma Yi Jin) | 3 | (1/9/2021-31/8/2024) | 21/001057/L3 |
PCELAWS Certificate in Laws | 3 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001022/L3 |
PCETEMM Certificate in Professional Temple Management | 3 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001025/L3 |
PCETREE Certificate in Professional Tree Management | 3 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001026/L3 |
PCEPMSA1 Certificate in Property Management for Provisional Property Management Practitioner (Tier 1) Licence | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001023/L4 |
PCEPMSA2 Certificate in Property Management for Provisional Property Management Practitioner (Tier 2) Licence | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001024/L4 |
PCTAITA Certificate of Training in Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Applications | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001027/L4 |
PCTPTI Certificate of Training in Professional Tree Inspection and Risk Assessment | 3 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001028/L3 |
PCTTAC Certificate of Training in Traditional Architectural Craftsmanship of Hong Kong | 4 | (1/12/2021-On-going) | 21/001391/L4 |
YJD Diploma Yi Jin | 3 | (1/9/2021-31/8/2024) | 21/001056/L3 |
FDPECS Diploma in Early Childhood Studies (Educational Kit Design) | 3 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000997/L3 |
FDPFS Diploma in Foundation Studies | 3 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000998/L3 |
FTD25 Diploma in General Studies | 3 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001017/L3 |
FDPNS Diploma in Nursing Services | 3 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000999/L3 |
PDPOHS Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001030/L4 |
DAE Diploma of Applied Education | 3 | (1/1/2023-31/8/2026) | 22/000860/L3 |
PFCCALL Foundation Certificate in Chinese Calligraphy | 2 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001031/L2 |
FHDGERO Higher Diploma in Applied Gerontechnology | 4 | (1/8/2022-On-going) | 22/000663/L4 |
FHDARM Higher Diploma in Aviation and Ramp Management | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001001/L4 |
FHDBAM Higher Diploma in Business Administration and Management | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001002/L4 |
FHDCCMP Higher Diploma in Creative Culture and Media Practice | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001003/L4 |
FHDCRM Higher Diploma in Criminology | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/000986/L4 |
FHDFASH Higher Diploma in Digital Fashion Creation | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001007/L4 |
FHDECE Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001005/L4 |
FHDENG Higher Diploma in Engineering (Civil Engineering) | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001006/L4 |
FHDHC Higher Diploma in Health Care | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001008/L4 |
FHDHMT Higher Diploma in Health and Molecular Testing | 4 | (11/7/2022-On-going) | 22/000597/L4 |
FHDICAM Higher Diploma in Intangible Cultural Assets Management | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001009/L4 |
FHDDES Higher Diploma in Interior Design | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001004/L4 |
FHDJAP Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001010/L4 |
FHDPETC Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001012/L4 |
FHDMUS Higher Diploma in Popular Music and Music Production | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001011/L4 |
FHDPSY Higher Diploma in Psychology | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001013/L4 |
FHDRTPM Higher Diploma in Resort and Theme Park Management | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001014/L4 |
FHDTAS Higher Diploma in Tourism and Airline Studies | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001015/L4 |
FHDTHS Higher Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Studies | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001016/L4 |
PPCBCPP Professional Certificate in Broadcasting Programme Hosting and Production | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001032/L4 |
PPCFOLK Professional Certificate in Chinese Folk Religion Studies | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001035/L4 |
PPCJADE Professional Certificate in Connoisseurship of Ancient Chinese Jade | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001037/L4 |
PPCFILM Professional Certificate in Creative Screenwriting for Film | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001034/L4 |
PPCMUP Professional Certificate in Museum Practice | 4 | (1/12/2021-On-going) | 21/001393/L4 |
PPCSAFE Professional Certificate in Safety Auditing | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001041/L4 |
PPCSTAG Professional Certificate in Stage Performance | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001042/L4 |
PPCTCOS Professional Certificate in Teaching of Cantonese Operatic Singing | 4 | (1/12/2021-On-going) | 21/001394/L4 |
PPCHOME Professional Certificate in Training for Home Managers | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001036/L4 |
PPCTMKT Professional Certificate in Treasury Markets | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001043/L4 |
PPCTREE Professional Certificate in Tree Climbing | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001044/L4 |
PPCWEDD Professional Certificate in Wedding Planning | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001045/L4 |
PPCPICM Professional Certificate in Young Person-in-Custody Management | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001040/L4 |
PPDEPM Professional Diploma for Executives in Property Management | 5 | (31/3/2022-On-going) | 22/000195/L5 |
PPDARBO Professional Diploma in Arboriculture | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001046/L4 |
PPDENG Professional Diploma in Civil Engineering | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001047/L4 |
PPDCMM Professional Diploma in Community Museum Management | 5 | (1/12/2021-On-going) | 21/001392/L5 |
PPDOHS Professional Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety | 5 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001048/L5 |
PPDPFM Professional Diploma in Property and Facilities Management | 4 | (1/9/2023-On-going) | 23/000861/L4 |
PPDTEMM Professional Diploma in Temple Management | 4 | (1/9/2021-On-going) | 21/001052/L4 |
PPDWMFI Professional Diploma in Waste Management and Meat and Foods Inspection for Health Inspectors | 5 | (11/7/2022-On-going) | 22/000596/L5 |
CBMP2067C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme - An Invitation to Child Psychology | 2 | (1/7/2023-On-going) | 23/000659/L2 |
CBMP2089C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme - Mediation Skills and Strategies | 2 | (1/7/2023-On-going) | 23/000660/L2 |
CBMP2099C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme - Decision Making Skills | 2 | (1/7/2023-On-going) | 23/000661/L2 |
CBMP2110C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme - Understanding Mental Health | 2 | (1/7/2023-On-going) | 23/000662/L2 |
CBMP2027C Certificate in Capacity Building Mileage Programme – Understanding Chinese Medicine | 2 | (1/8/2024-On-going) | 24/000710/L2 |
PPCADOT Professional Certificate in Art Docent Training | 4 | (1/8/2024-On-going) | 24/000720/L4 |
PPCSPMC Professional Certificate in Applied Sport Mental Coaching | 4 | (1/8/2024-On-going) | 24/000721/L4 |